Keli Motor Group Search


Warm congratulations to Nie Pengju, the chairman of Keli Motor Group, for the honor of "leading talent"!



    Recently, Nie Pengju, the chairman of the Keli Motor Group, was awarded the "2021 Hunan Province Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Leader" honorary certificate issued by the Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department.

    "Leading Talents in Science and Technology Entrepreneurship" is a talent program launched by the Science and Technology Department to vigorously implement the "three highs and four new" strategy, accelerate the construction of innovative provinces, and promote high-quality economic development. The enterprise of the leading talents needs to meet the development trend of new industries in Hunan Province or can fill the gaps in the development of industry, product technology level in the industry in a leading position, and support the high-quality economic and social development.

    Mr. Nie Pengju is currently the chairman and general manager of the Keli , the representative of 13th National People's Congress  , the representative of the 13th National People's Congress of Hunan Province, and won the "Top Ten Ingenious People of Chinese Brands", "National May Day Labor Medal", "Hunan Province Labor Model", "Excellent Entrepreneurs in Hunan Province", "The Most Beautiful Silk Road Youth" and many other honorary titles.

      Keli Motor Group Co., Ltd. always continue to focus on the development, production and sales of motor and drive control systems, is one of the world's leading brands of motor and drive control systems. The Keli will take Nie Pengju, the chairman of the company, the 2021 science and technology entrepreneurship leader, as an opportunity to continue to increase investment in science and technology research and development, in order to strive to build a motor and drive control system of the world-class Chinese national brand.